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RFCs We Love: Feb 2020

Dhruv Dhody

Our first RFCsWeLove in 2020 was held on 1st Feb in Bangalore at Juniper Networks. This was our 13th meetup and we had a very good mix of speakers and topics for this session.

RFCsWeLove Agenda:

  • Introduction, Highlights of Connections 2019 and IETF 106 by Dhruv Dhody, IIESoc

  • Micro-loop avoidance by Bharath R, Juniper

  • On state of SZTP (Secure Zero Touch Provisioning) and enhancements by Katta Sambasiva Rao, Juniper

  • Analytics model for Network Devices by Sri Ram Sankar & Harsha Lakshmikanth, Juniper

  • Ongoing SR work in IETF by Ketan Talaulikar (Remote), Cisco

Dhruv kicked off the session by providing a quick introduction to IIESoc and RFCWeLove. He also recapped Connections 2019 and IETF 106 and pointed folks to material posted. We had around 30 folks at the meetup with multiple first timers as well as folks participating and presenting remotely this time. A quick round of introduction was done and it was good to see participation from a diverse set including Juniper, Ericsson, RtBrick, Huawei, Cisco, VuNet, Christ College, etc.

Bharath kicked off with a great presentation on micro-loop avoidance, first explaining the problem and how it is being resolved in the Segment Routing (SR) networks with pointers to the RFCs and internet drafts in this area. Bharath skillfully answered many questions related to this technology.

The next presentation was on the SZTP (Secure Zero Touch Provisioning) work in NETCONF WG by Katta with an introduction to SZTP and some new enhancements planned to support multiple components during bootstrapping.

Network Analytics and Intent has been all the buzz lately, so it was timely for Sriram and Harsha to present their work related to Diagnostic Intents and Domain Specific Language (DSL). The concept of playbook (recipe) and the role of DSL in realizing a play book was well appreciated by the audience.

The final presentation was made remotely by Ketan Talaulikar of Cisco, who gave an overview of Segment Routing work at IETF with great information on how things started as well as what new work lies ahead. It was great to understand the work as it is distributed across multiple WGs.

Thanks to our speakers as well everyone who took time to come out on a Saturday! Thank you Juniper for hosting us and making great arrangement.

Find details about previous meetup here.



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